In our region rodents tend to move into our sheds and houses when it becomes cold or wet.
With this sudden influx of rodents many people choose to eradicate these rodents with rat bait. Unfortunately mice and rats aren’t the only creatures tempted by these scented 'treats'. Many of these baits are appealing to cats and dogs, and like mice they become affected by the poison and can die.
What if you suspect poisoning
If you see your dog or cat eating rat bait or believe they have recently ingested rat bait bring them into the clinic immediately! If they are seen by a vet within an hour of ingestion we may be able to make them vomit up the ingested substance before it is absorbed.
Bring the bait container with you if possible, or at least details of the type of bait. This helps our vets determine the appropriate treatment. As there are many baits on the market it is very difficult to establish the poison type from a verbal description.