Dog Airway Issues and Fixes

We love Pugs, French Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, Bulldogs, Boxers and all the variations - they are the most fantastic dogs!

Like almost every breed, they do have some of their own issues and like any issue, prevention is much better than cure.

All of these dogs (brachycephalic breeds) have some degree of abnormalities to their airway system. If these issues are not fixed early in the dog’s life, they will worsen and cause secondary problems which sometimes cannot be fixed and can leave a dog permanently debilitated or can potentially be fatal.

Some of these issues, such as narrow nostrils, are readily visible but many of the issues cannot be assessed unless we anaesthetise the dog. Under anaesthetic, we can view the soft palate and larynx (opening of the windpipe) and an X-ray or endoscope can also be used to examine the trachea (windpipe).

What you might hear or see with your dog includes; noisy breathing, snuffling, snoring, coughing, panting, exercise intolerance, regurgitating or vomiting.

Usually, the symptoms or changes are mild when these dogs are young. So, even though they may not seem bad or affected, this is the time to take action before the changes and symptoms become severe and not easily corractable.

It is strongly advised that a brachycephalic dog has its airways assessed and treated between 6 to 12 months of age. Once they are 2 years old, many of the changes are permanent and whilst they can usually be improved, they may not be correctable to a degree that makes the dog happy again.

We are able to provide assessments and treatment for brachycephalic dogs. If you would like further information regarding your dog's condition call us and arrange to talk to one of our vets.

What should I do if I have a Brachecyhpalic dog?

It is strongly advised that a brachycephalic dog has its airways assessed and treated between 6 to 12 months of age. Once they are 2 years old, many of the changes are permanent and whilst they can usually be improved, they may not be correctable to a degree that makes the dog happy again.

We are able to provide assessments and treatment for brachycephalic dogs. If you would like further information regarding your dog's condition call us and arrange to talk to one of our vets.
